Enjoy year round savings by filling your freezer with a Half of a Hog.
You'll love our Pastured Pork with the following cuts: Bacon, Ground Sausage; Ham Steaks; Hams; Ham Hocks; Breakfast Sausage ; 1" Thick Chops; 1" Thick Steaks; Ground Pork, Ozark style Sandwich Bacon, Tenderloin and Spare Ribs.
Price includes meat, processing & packaging. A great value! No added nitrites/nitrates or MSG.
Whole Hog=160 lbs of packaged meats
1/2 Hog =80 lbs of packaged meats
1/4 Hog=40 lbs of packaged meats
**Note: Some cuts may not be available with the smaller, 1/4 hog package.**
Current wait list/delivery anticipated for mid March . Price includes all processing & vac-seal packaging too!